SUNDAYS MEETINGS 9.30am - 31 Plantation St, Dundowran
As a new church our Sunday meetings are held at Pastor Tony & Kate Case's home. At this early stage you might consider us a House or Home Church, because this is literally what we are at present. In time we will outgrow the available space and need to think about a hall, but for now we are happy to meet in our home. Our Sunday service includes great worship, communion and a positive and uplifting message. This is followed by fellowship over an early lunch (or late morning tea) for those who can stay - and all are welcome to do so.
With Christmas looming and everyone becoming increasingly busy we are cloing our mid-week study meeting until 2025. These have been very rewarding this year and often quite illuminating as we study God's Word together and discuss it in detail. We look forward to recommencing these meetings in the New Year.
WOW Women (Women of Worth) - 31 Plantation St, Dundowren
Our first meeting was a great success. Our next, and final one for 2024, will be on Saturday 16/11/24. Our speaker will be Dhelia Ward on the topic of "The Goodness of God". Refreshments provided. RSVP to Kate on 0418 443 706 or
This just a beginning, and we are believing for great things to come as we faithfully share our message of hope in Christ and victorious living in the Holy Spirit. In a world struggling to understand the meaning of anything, it is our conviction that God has a plan, Jesus has the answers, and the Bible is our roadmap to abundant living
Give us a call or drop us a line if you'd like to come along to any of our meetings. or Click Contact Us below if you wish to know more information. Everyone is very welcome!
Hervey Bay, Queensland, Australia
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