Rock Church Message
Church is not an afterthought of God. We are not here just to bide our time until the “glory cloud appears”. Church is the instrument God has chosen to display His glory to the earth. Jesus is Lord of the Church, and the gates of hell will never prevail against it. The Church now dominates Satan - and has dominion over him.
Rock Church Message
God signifies that the dry bones in Ezek 37 were the house of Israel. Today, that house is the church! We need to speak over the dry bones of our circumstances and cause them to come together, to be covered with skin and prophesy breath into them until they come alive again. The 21st Century church must be a prophetic church and believers need to speak life into a dying and lost world. We are a prophetic generation if we choose to be, and we can change our world for the better!
Rock Church Message
The Bible clearly states that unity and agreement is where the life is; it is where the power is; where the passion is; where the love is; and where the blessing dwells. God is especially looking for agreement among His people. He is looking for a people who will agree His written Word, with the Holy Spirit, and with one another! Where there is unity and agreement, energy, creativity, productivity and power is released that can change lives, and change the world in which we live!
Rock Church Message
Jesus was very sensitive to faith, because faith is the language of the spiritual realm. Faith is a vital ingredient to everything we do. It can make us, and it can break us, whether we are believers or not, which may surprise you, because faith is actually the stuff of life.
Rock Church Message
The early church was very much goal-oriented. They had vision, purpose, passion and enthusiasm, and were determined to fulfil their God-given mission. Highly motivated and focused on what Jesus told them to do, they were so successful they turned the then-known world upside, and the church of Jesus Christ prospered and multiplied as a result.
Rock Church Message
God is vitally interested in your success! He is not interested in seeing you fail, be unhappy or downtrodden in any way. He wants you to prosper and be in good health. His priorities revolve around reaching the lost and drawing the unchurched into the kingdom. To the degree we buy into God’s priorities we will sample, and ultimately experience, the abundant blessing of God in our daily experience.
Rock Church Message
One of the greatest kingdom principles is embedded in the concept of giving, and being generous. Coupled to good stewardship principles, few things are more important to the welfare of the true believer. When seen in this light – sowing sparingly or generously and receiving in kind from God – it takes the confusion out of tithing and getting caught up in religious ritualism.The condition of our heart is far important to God than our money, or what we do with it.
Rock Church Message
What does it mean to “run with endurance”? Why he encouragement to “not throw away your confidence”? Are we expected to endure when what is happening is wrong, or we are a victim of behaviour that is inappropriate or harmful? When is it appropriate to stand up for what is right, and resist what is wrong?
Rock Church Message
We don’t always think of zeal in terms of Jesus’ ministry, but without it He would not have been able to achieve half as much. Jesus was zealous and enthusiastic. A passionate and inspirational leader, He had an attractive and relevant message for His people. Zeal for the house of God consumed Him.
Rock Church Message
We are not given a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind. Being filled with the Holy Spirit empowers us to walk daily according to God's will for our lives.
Rock Church Message
Time to stop dragging the Woe of yesterday and turning it into the Worry of tomorrow. Live in the reality of the Now by changing your perception of your Woe.
Rock Church Message We are not called to live a perfect life - just a perfectly forgiven life. A forgiven life forgives. Our treasure is found in who we belong to and not what belongs to us.
Rock Church Message Without God's love in our lives we are all selfish beasts - a condition we are unable to change ourselves. To change we need to open ourselves up to God’s Love and be transformed by His light. God's Love accepts us but also makes space for transformation.
Both of Kate's books come out of her personal experiences and make for good reading, full of interesting anecdotes and stories from her life, but are largely out of print today. However, these days reading online is common using PDF or ePUB files, so we want to make these available to you in PDF - free of charge. Just click the DOWNLOAD link below on the relevant book. You won't be disappointed.
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Over the years, I have found God to be a Person of surprisingly few words. What I mean is; I don’t often hear Him speak out loud to me. On the occasions when He has, it’s been with just a few authoritative words such as “Not Yet” or “Stand Firm”. On the other hand, I have found Him to be a Person of great moments. Times, when through the little things in life, He has revealed to me some of the great truths about the world in which we live and the endless Love that He has for each of us. Through these moments I have learnt that God is always talking to us; that He is in endless dialogue with us. He is not silent. Every moment of your life is an opportunity for communication with God.
This book is about my journey. A journey through dark times, that took me to the Big D crossroads of despair and then beyond into a future I never imagined possible. I call the crossroads, 'the Big D crossroads’ because many of the traumatic events in life seem to begin with the letter D. Any of the Big D life events such as Death, Disaster, Disease or Divorce, could land on any of us, andwhere, at any time. So here it is - the book that wasn’t there when I was looking for it. Even if you are not struggling with the Big Ds, I hope you will find some golden nuggets within these pages that will refresh your perspective and help you navigate your road ahead.
Hervey Bay, Queensland, Australia
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