We are a new Church in Hervey Bay. At Pathway Church we believe in the power of God's love, the divinity of Jesus Christ, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We know that through faith and prayer we can overcome any obstacle and live a life of purpose and meaning. Our meetings are dynamic and relevant, with inspirational teaching based on principles spelt out in God's Word.
Tony Case is an experienced pastor, musician and songleader who has planted three churches and a Christian school over a ministry period exceeding 20 years. He has been either a pastor or in senior church leadership for most of his adult life since migrating from the UK in 1974, and has a background in business and financial planning. He and his wife, Kate, share the same passion and desire to see the local church flourish and prosper, the people of God grow strong in their faith, and see them released into whatever ministry God has called them into.
Early in Tony's ministry God impressed upon him two Bible passages that have been the cornerstone and focus of all he has ever tried to accomplish as a pastor. The first is in Luke 10:2 where Jesus gave us a graphic view of the present day need for labourers to bring in the harvest, saying "The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few". The second is where Jesus first announces his ministry in the synagogue from Luke 4:18-19 which simply speak about "Meeting needs, healing wounds, and setting captives free".
Tony and Kate completed their move to Hervey Bay in late March 2024 following what they believe is God's call to take on the role of building a brand new church in Hervey Bay. Having known God was calling him back to ministry after a period serving in a different capacity in another church he and Kate felt a strong leading from the Holy Spirit that Hervey Bay was the place God had called them to found Pathway Church. They have purchased a new home in Dundowran where meetings are initially being held.
Tony holds credentials through Crosslinks Christian Network (CNN), a well-established community of like-minded and independent churches supporting one another in ministry and leadership.
Hervey Bay, Queensland, Australia
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