Caring - Committed - Connected
At Pathway Church we believe in the power of God's love, the divinity of Jesus Christ, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We know that through faith and prayer we can overcome any obstacle and live a life of purpose and meaning. Our meetings are dynamic and relevant, with inspirational teaching based on principles spelt out in God's Word.
Click here to find out more about Pathway Church, who we are, what we believe and meet our senior pastor Tony Case.
Click here to see about our various ministries. Pathway Church is young, vibrant new church in Hervey Bay.
Click here to access video and audio files of some of our meesages, as well as a PDF library contain teaching material and studies.
Click here to read about our meetings, both current and planned for 2024 as Tony & Kate complete their move from Brisbane to Hervey Bay.
"By this everyone will know that you are my disciples if you love one another"
John 13:35
"If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved"
Romans 10:9
"We, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another"
Romans 12:5
Pastor TONY CASE admin@pathwaychurch.org.au 0419 697 723
Updated Friday 24/01/25
- Happy 2025 everyone! 2025 is a brand new year and we are excited by the possibilities it contains in God for the churches of Hervey Bay, and Pathway Church in particular. God's passion is to reach lost people, and our job as believers is to populate heaven on His behalf. That is our call and purpose in 2025 and until Jesus returns!
- The Pastor's Blog is updated every week with challenging that makes for interesting reading. A link is always placed on Facebook so why not become one of our FB followers and receive a notification whenever new content is posted? You'll be glad you did!
Updated Saturday 21/12/24
- Added GOD MOMENTS (2013) and TRADING TEARS FOR JOY (2015) to the Media section under Books - Kate Case. These are Kate's two books she wrote in that are no longer in print, apart from a few copies we still have, so this is the only place you will find them in the forseeable future. They are good reading so download a copy, or read it online from this page. You'll need a PDF Reader on your device or computer.
- I've discovered we can add the Pastor's Blog to the Media section so have migrated it across. There's still a Pastor's Blog which has identical content in a different setup.
- Still hoping to get some audio messages up in the New Year. Only got the five test audios up there at present, but they are all topics I've been preaching on these past few weeks.
Updated Friday 29/11/24
- Three new blogs and counting, adding at least one per week.
- Follow us on Facebook for up-to-date info on all that's happening.
Updated Saturday 23/11/24
- Added new section called Pastors Blog. I've been wanting to do this for a long time but being busy, and getting my head around how to actually do a blog, and upload it to Facebook at the same time, took me awhile to work out. Hope you enjoy the Blog content. Only two so far, but more to come. If you like the content please feel free to share it.
- I've been uploading more content on Facebook recently as it is getting increasing traffic, and Radio Rhema are happy to pull decent content across to their own social media feeds, which we appreciate and thank them for. We are also sponsoring Rhema Wide Bay 105.1 now and supporting them where we can.
- Kate's "Thought For The Week" is gaining momentum, as is traffic on both the website and Facebook, which is gratifying, making the time we spend writing and uploading quality content on a regular basis worthwhile.
Updated Friday 08/11/24
- Added new "What We Believe" document to Teaching section. These documents are also available in printed brochure form.
- Kate is adding a "Thought for the Week" to our Facebook Page which you can link to at the bottom of any page on this site. Our FB page is updated more regularly than the website so follow us on Facebook and keep in touch.
- RADIO RHEMA 503.1 - We have also been meeting with Sally Kingi from Radio Rhema. Rhema is doing a fantastic job in this media space in Hervey Bay and we want to support them as a church in any way we can. We have agreed to some 30sec spots as a method of sponsoring them on a regular basis as well as hopefully getting our Pathway Church name before a wider audience. We would also like to become more involved with Rhema as a church in any way we can going forward, aside from any sponsorship. This is a great ministry and encourage anyone local to become a member of Radio Rhema and support Christian Radio to the Wide Bay area.
Hervey Bay, Queensland, Australia
Copyright © 2024 Pathway Church - All Rights Reserved - Site design by Mark Case at coversandcovers.com